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Leica iCON gps - Smart Antenna

Precise positioning on any construction site

The Leica iCON gps  GNSS Smart Antenna, working in combination with Leica iCONstruct field solution, is the perfect tool for any positioning tasks on any construction site. Featuring superior GNSS technology and integrated communication options, it enables you to carry out reliable positioning tasks on site much faster than before.

iCON gps Smart Antenna delivers unmatched precision and performance in a rugged, compact unit that is designed to stand up to the harsh conditions typically found on construction sites.

An integrated display shows you full status information of the system simplifying operation and configuration. With its exceptional network capability, iCON gps  allows you to work with SmartNet and other RTK networks for high-accuracy GPS positioning.

Maximum accuracy and reliability
Superior GNSS technology provides maximum accuracy and reliability, featuring:




Flexibility on site
With the iCON gps , you can also benefit from using it as a flexible entry level GNSS smart antenna for machine control applications. It can be mounted inside a construction machine and used for off machine applications. Integrated radio, modem and Bluetooth® provide flexible communication options for corrections tailored to all sites and regions – simply swap equipment between base and rover as required.

With the iCON gps , you benefit from:

Integrated high-speed 4G modem provides excellent network performance

No controller required for base station set-up, meaning you need less hardware

Stream corrections over the internet using NTRIP technology enables all construction rovers and machines to connect an iCON gps  base station without radio, removing radio coverage limitations and reducing the initial hardware investment

Unique flexible software licensing and feature upgrade concept - you invest in what you need


All purpose GNSS solution
iCON gps is the perfect mobile base station for your construction site. You dont need a controller for base station setup. Stream corrections over the internet without radio and easily and quickly perform many positioning tasks yourself.  Check grade or cut & fill, stakeout points and lines, and as built checks. Save time and increase productivity monitoring the grade from your supervisor vehicle on site.

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Leica iCON gps 60


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Leica iCON GPS 70


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Leica iCON gps 30


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